Hershey Bears Game
February 1
We’re headed to Hershey for a battle between the Bears and the Islanders. Tickets cost $15, and the bus leaves at 5:00pm for the 7:00 game. Be sure to sign up and reserve your ticket now.

For questions about or to register for this event, please email Bobby Culler at bobbyc@mtp-church.org.

Winter Slam
February 7-9
It’s our annual winter retreat weekend, and it’s gonna be awesome. Mark Vincenti is our speaker and ATTABOY will provide the music. The cost for the weekend is $125. Don’t miss out . . . it’s might change your life.

For questions about or to register for this event, please email Bobby Culler at bobbyc@mtp-church.org.

30 Hour Famine
February 21-22
It’s a student favorite, despite the fact that we don’t eat anything for 30 hours. But in the process we are raising money for people around the world struggling to find enough food to survive. This overnight event also includes the opportunity to meet the needs of people throughout our community. It’s always fun. Bring some friends and do it together.

For questions about or to register for this event, please email Bobby Culler at bobbyc@mtp-church.org.