Renewing Our Promise

Making Old Things New

Since our earliest days in the Sharp Schoolhouse, the people of Mt Pleasant Church have been people of great faith, prayer, vision and determination. Through the years, we have chosen to ‘hold high the torch of faith’ for future generations as the previous generations have done for us. Sometimes, that meant building new buildings. At other times it meant renovating the old to make it look like new. At all times, the goal has been the same… making disciples who make a difference.

In 1964, when our present sanctuary became our home, we promised to use our facilities to make disciples. We also promised to ‘preserve and maintain it for continual service’. We have used these facilities well. And they are showing the wear of that use. In 2023, we renovated our Children’s Ministry space. And already, we’re experiencing the blessing of making an old thing new.

Now, it’s time to renew our sanctuary and multi-purpose room as we renew our promise to make disciples who make a difference.

The Church is People

As our Governance Board has been praying and talking about the scope of this project, we’ve kept in mind that the church is not a building. The church is people. That’s why fancy facilities have never been our priority. It’s the people of Mt Pleasant Church sharing God’s love that has enabled us to make disciples who make a difference. Our people have always made Mt Pleasant Church special.  They still do.

So, the goal of this project isn’t to end up with facilities loaded with all the bells and whistles. God never told us to have fancy buildings. He told us to make disciples who make a difference. We’ve worked hard to keep costs down by doing the things that are needed without cutting corners. That way, we can keep helping people be Spiritually Alive in Christ, Relationally Connected with One Another, and Missionally Engaged in their neighborhood and among the nations.

As you read through the scope of work, we ask you to do three things:

  • Remember the example of previous generations. Buildings and renovations have always required great faith, prayer, vision and determination.

  • Envision the next generation of disciples making disciples. We’re not looking to restore the past. We need facilities and decor that  look forward.

  • Consider the part God wants you to play in being a disciple who makes disciples. Be open to the work God wants to do in you as we walk with Him together.

The latest info about our progress is available on the Updates Page.