Sharing the Cost by Sharing the Sacrifice

$900,000 is a big number. But the good news is that because of your faithfulness in giving, the Governance Board has committed $450,000 from existing funds to this project. That means we’re 50% of the way there!

Raising the remaining funds requires sacrificial giving above and beyond our current  levels. We don’t all have the ability to give the same amount, but we all have the ability to share the cost by sharing the sacrifice.

The chart below is an example of the number of gift amounts needed to cover the remaining $450,000 for this project. We're asking for you to prayerfully consider what sacrificial gift God is asking you to invest above your current giving, as we renew our facilities and renew our promise to make disciples who make a difference. You may give at any time. Please designate your gift to the ‘Building Fund’.

The latest info about our progress is available on the Updates Page.